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Google Adsense versus Direct Advertisment

Recently, I made a mistake which I realised after a month, but nothing could be done to rectify the mistake, at least for another year! I thought I would share my mistake here. I would call, it was my stupidity.

Recently, I sold a banner ad to a company in a blog where I was using a Google AdSense! I always liked drect advertisement as I felt, these looks better on a website and gives a feeling of important website for visitors! How wrong I was!

I removed Google AdSense and put the ad banner. After one week, while checking my Google AdSense earning, I realised, my earning has gone down drastically and the banner ad was not compensating me enough! The losses for a year from Google AdSense would be far higher than the total earning by the banner ad!

So, my lesson is, never jump into selling direct advertisement which earns you less than Google AdSense.

So, this was my stupidity. I am never going to repeat the mistake again and also, will never take offer which is pays less than my current earning from Google AdSense from the same space and area.

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