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How To Get Free Content For Your Blog?

Maintaining a blog is never easy.It take lot of effort and hard work.You’ll have to create regular content,research for new contents,link building,social media site.This takes lot of hard work on the part of the blogger.Content creation is the toughest part for any blogger.Creating new and original content everyday takes lot.Many bloggers could not cope up with the pressure and give up.Many blogs die without regular updated content.Also many bloggers are not natural writers so they find it tough to create regular content.

What can they do to keep their blog updated?Is there any way for them to keep their blogs updated with new content without doing much hard work for creating content?

Well,there are few ways for the bloggers to get free content.You do not have to write much.

Re-Publish Articles From Article Directories:There are hundreds of article directories out there.Many of them are targeted to a specific niche.Article directories allows to republish their articles with certain conditions.They do not allow you to change anything with the article.If you wish to republish their articles then you’ll have to use their standard format.While you can easily find many great articles from the directories,but,his may not look very professional for your blog.

Use Private Level Articles:Private level articles are those that lets you do anything with the articles.If you want to use these articles then you do not need to give credit to anyone.You can use your name as the author.But,the problem with these articles are that many people use same set of private level articles.So,there is a chance of using duplicate content.It’s not good for SEO.It’s always better to rewrite PLR articles before using.Even if you do not use PLR articles, a set of PRL articles can give you new article ideas.

Use Public Domain Texts:Public Domain texts are those that are not copyrighted anymore.Generally fairly old texts are not copyrighted.You can use those contents in your blog freely.Again it’s better to do some rewriting with PD content before using.

Allow Guest Posting:Another way of getting constant content for your blog is allowing guest posting.But if your blog does not have good Page Rank then it may not work.People may not be interested to write for your blog.Certainly, this is not a great option for the new blogs.

Adopt Revenue Sharing Model:This can be a very good way to get regular content for your blog.Just allow the people who are interested to write for your blog to put their Google AdSense code in the post.You can easily find many interested writers.You still earn money from ads posted in the sidebar and other positions.

There is nothing better than writing your own content.This way you can ensure original quality articles for your readers.This is the basis of any successful blog.

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